When it comes to the desire to feel better and manage life in a way that works for you rather than against you, it can be incredibly difficult to know where to even begin.
Often people are misled to start by biting off more than they can metaphorically chew, which just leaves them feeling even worse about themselves afterward - and this is especially true if you aren’t neurotypical. I’ve found many people really just need help getting started; they need help prioritizing and making a plan that makes sense for them, their life, and their body.
This is what I do.
I’m a certified health coach and personal trainer, and registered yoga teacher. I’m hyper-mobile. And I’m autistic, ADHD with first-hand understanding of executive dysfunction. “Embautiement” coaching is my way of summing all of this into one.
Because of these certifications, I can help with anything from general health and fitness advice, to personalized yoga or fitness plans and general nutrition advice, to realistic ways to manage your health and wellbeing with executive dysfunction, to understanding your nervous system in a way that reduces shame and empowers you to live comfortably.
Embautiement coaching is about bautie awareness - helping you connect with your body, and yourself, to better manage daily tasks, triggers, stress, and your emotions.
What You Can Expect From Me
I believe in balance.
I believe in a mix of eastern and western medicine.
I believe you deserve evidence-based information with plenty of nuance because almost nothing is black-and-white, especially when it comes to our bodies.
I think focusing on the basics is always important, but not a substitute for medical interventions to prevent, manage, and/or heal disease. They should work together, not mutually exclusive of one another.
I believe in the fuNDamentals: shame-free stress management rooted in the physiological fundamentals, personalized for you, your life, and your bautie.
What You Shouldn't Expect From Me
I do not offer meal plans nor will I advocate for specific “diets” unless medically prescribed to you.
I won’t gaslight you for bad days or very real barriers like food texture sensitivities.
I won’t let you follow advice that isn’t evidence-based or is likely to lead you down a dangerous pipeline.
I won’t push you to dissociate or do things that make you uncomfortable to achieve arbitrary goals.
I won’t let you set weight or aesthetic-related goals.
The only goal I care about is how stable and validated you feel.
You can book a free 15-min info session here to see if you need a full session.
1:1 coaching sessions are 30 minutes in length, and you can schedule as needed once we’ve completed an info session together.
Pricing of sessions will be determined during the info session and will depend on what I’m doing for you - general direction and advice will be priced differently than calls resulting in, for example, a personalized fitness plan.
More Specifics:
Certified Health Coach Scope of Practice
General health advice/information
General nutrition advice/information
Realistic stress management
Help with “lifestyle behavior” changes - with an understanding of executive dysfunction
Tackling/addressing the (emotional) barriers related to social determinants of health like access to affordable nutrition, job and housing security, social support systems, healthcare, etc.
Certified Personal Trainer Scope of Practice
Assessments/advice for postural and/or muscular imbalances (body mechanics)
Personalized fitness plans/advice
Help achieving stability, mobility, and/or flexibility goals
Registered Yoga Teacher Scope of Practice
1:1 or small group classes with specific focus
Personalized yoga plans/advice
Pranayama breathwork
Meditation for busy brains
Stretching advice/plans/guidance